It has been clarified in another forum that the brewing conflict between Caledon and Neualtenburg is a "wargame" in the name of Charity. Furthermore, rhetoric by some indivduals have become a bit caustic. A point has been made that the word "Hun" is considered derogatory and out-of-bounds when referring to the Teutonic nation in this staged battle.
I admit to having the used the term "Hun" in a homourous post elsewhere. My archival research indicated this term was used in official notices (read: propaganda) so I concluded it was an historically accurate apellation. The rhetoric of the Great War seemed quaint to the modern researcher when compared to the vitriol manufactured by both sides in the confrontation that followed.
I do apologize to the nation of Neualtenburg and the Kaiserin herself whom I have had the plasure to meet previously. Any further disparagements against the Neualtenburgers that appear to be made by myself would only be a part of a campaign of deception by my shadow-future nemesis, Qlippothic Steel.
The growing tensions begin Caledon and New Babbage are once again my highest level of concern in the poitical sphere.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Qlippothic Projects vs. Qlippothic Steel
I have finished reviewing through my journal, adding addenda where my future double wrote in my place, trying to thread truth from lies and loyalty from madness. For those who care to read, I have linked her "blog" in the list to the left of mine. However I do not call her "Trusted Correspondence" by any stretch of the imagination and urge you Dear Reader to take her words with a grain of salt. She changes her biography so frequently that I wonder if she is a compulsive liar or if her traumas have corrupted the memories in her Soul Drive.
Now she seems to be pulling my friends away from me. Spring-Heeled Jack has joined her new master's Toy Soldiers. And she is trying to recruit dear Midnight into that gang of thugs as well!
I will tell you my friends, the best way to tell the Qli you know and love from this mad doppleganger that haunts me:
The biggest giveaway are the eyes. My eyes, and my dermal layer beneath my synthetic skin glow red from my fire within. Miss Steel's true form glows green from the toxic waste she has lived in. She may suppress the toxins deep inside her for small amounts of time. (She may also be highly radioactive..)
My voice has been described as "an American lady reciting in a Victorian finishing school with copper walls." My double talks like she came from the streets of Chicago in the 1920's, with a jumble of slang from all over the 20th and 21st centuries.
I bear the Caledon flag on the helmet of my armour, she bears the caricature of Doctor Steel's bald, goggled and bearded face in a white circle on a red field.
Unless I have business with my Aunt Flea in the Mythic Age you will most likely find me somewhere in the Age of Steam, or what some Caledonians are recently calling "The Colonies". If you run into a Qlippothic in Toxia or some other Dark Future, assume the worst.
Lastly, our behaviour. You know what the level of standards I hold myself to. You know I am welcoming and amiable. My deceptive and unbalanced. She has long ago abandoned the standards of decency that I adhere to. And most importantly she is POTENTIALLY VIOLENT. If you are sure the Qli you see is not me, do not approach her. Do not act alarmed. Do call your constable, city watch, or military for help. If necessary, try to summon my Father, Darien Mason in Steelhead City. He created us both, and he knows how to uncreate us as well.
Father once told me "You are your own worst enemy." Never did I imagine this proverb would apply to me so literally!
~Qlippothic Projects
Now she seems to be pulling my friends away from me. Spring-Heeled Jack has joined her new master's Toy Soldiers. And she is trying to recruit dear Midnight into that gang of thugs as well!
I will tell you my friends, the best way to tell the Qli you know and love from this mad doppleganger that haunts me:
The biggest giveaway are the eyes. My eyes, and my dermal layer beneath my synthetic skin glow red from my fire within. Miss Steel's true form glows green from the toxic waste she has lived in. She may suppress the toxins deep inside her for small amounts of time. (She may also be highly radioactive..)
My voice has been described as "an American lady reciting in a Victorian finishing school with copper walls." My double talks like she came from the streets of Chicago in the 1920's, with a jumble of slang from all over the 20th and 21st centuries.
I bear the Caledon flag on the helmet of my armour, she bears the caricature of Doctor Steel's bald, goggled and bearded face in a white circle on a red field.
Unless I have business with my Aunt Flea in the Mythic Age you will most likely find me somewhere in the Age of Steam, or what some Caledonians are recently calling "The Colonies". If you run into a Qlippothic in Toxia or some other Dark Future, assume the worst.
Lastly, our behaviour. You know what the level of standards I hold myself to. You know I am welcoming and amiable. My deceptive and unbalanced. She has long ago abandoned the standards of decency that I adhere to. And most importantly she is POTENTIALLY VIOLENT. If you are sure the Qli you see is not me, do not approach her. Do not act alarmed. Do call your constable, city watch, or military for help. If necessary, try to summon my Father, Darien Mason in Steelhead City. He created us both, and he knows how to uncreate us as well.
Father once told me "You are your own worst enemy." Never did I imagine this proverb would apply to me so literally!
~Qlippothic Projects
Fire Brigade Grand Opening
After an hour delay due to outside issues I finally arrived to a small festival worthy of the Cay. I was greeted by Miss Freya H., Miss Darkling, Lady Vandeverre, and Mister Oldsarge. Miss Vandeverre proudly presented the new epaulets for the CVFB uniforms, including a fringed version for the Captain..a splendid addition to an already fabulous uniform!
Aside from the faint smell of rum, my analysis of the smoking craters was still inconclusive..but Miss Darkling did supposed the craters were caused by munitions. We followed a supposed path of trajectory which led to a floating Caledonian ironclad. Sure enough, one of the twin turrets was aimed directly at the Cay. I suppose the carnage on the ground had been the aftermath of some battle with sky-pirates!
The CIRRUS stalled close to the ironclad due to turbulence between sims, but the gracious Mr. Newall flew to our aid in a very intriguing Tesla anitgravity backpack (similar to my own in function, but not armoured for combat). After providing some pointers, we were flying again!
I landed quite close to wear we had taken off originally. Miss Freya spotted some fire in a nearby glade, and I donned my steam-powered armour to investigate. These were no normal flames. As we would approach one it would float away or reappear wherever are head turned. I felt like we were chasing rainbows! One of them even danced on the river surface by the bridge, as if it knew my weakness, taunting me. Somehow Freya cornered one, but my extinguisher did nothing but ruin my new recruit's braids. My only conclusion is that these were will o' wisps. And since they were not causing anything to combust..and may well be sentient elementals..we sent a letter to the owner of the land explaining our findings and retired for the evening.
~Captain Qlippothic Projects, CVFB
Aside from the faint smell of rum, my analysis of the smoking craters was still inconclusive..but Miss Darkling did supposed the craters were caused by munitions. We followed a supposed path of trajectory which led to a floating Caledonian ironclad. Sure enough, one of the twin turrets was aimed directly at the Cay. I suppose the carnage on the ground had been the aftermath of some battle with sky-pirates!
The CIRRUS stalled close to the ironclad due to turbulence between sims, but the gracious Mr. Newall flew to our aid in a very intriguing Tesla anitgravity backpack (similar to my own in function, but not armoured for combat). After providing some pointers, we were flying again!
I landed quite close to wear we had taken off originally. Miss Freya spotted some fire in a nearby glade, and I donned my steam-powered armour to investigate. These were no normal flames. As we would approach one it would float away or reappear wherever are head turned. I felt like we were chasing rainbows! One of them even danced on the river surface by the bridge, as if it knew my weakness, taunting me. Somehow Freya cornered one, but my extinguisher did nothing but ruin my new recruit's braids. My only conclusion is that these were will o' wisps. And since they were not causing anything to combust..and may well be sentient elementals..we sent a letter to the owner of the land explaining our findings and retired for the evening.
~Captain Qlippothic Projects, CVFB
Monday, March 26, 2007
Caledon Protected!

a letter, black ink on pale violet paper:
"My Dear Miss Qli, or Captain Projects ~ I have at long last located a small structure that might serve as housing such as the fire brigade and yehrself may require. Alas, Caledonian land is highly prized, and the only arrangements that could be made are somewhat, well, charming. I do hope that they are able to get the blood out of the carpet, and the smell of dead buccaneer out of the curtains. I patched the gunshot holes meself. ....If there are any changes I can make to the structure, furnishings, land or landscaping, please do not hesitate to ask. ..Your patroness and friend, Lady Darkling Elytis, Baroness of Amondeu.
post script ~ Please do feel free also to avail yehrself of the facilities next door, at the Wee Green Faerie publick house. Should yeh see a handsome rogue named Pierre the Tiger, do please remind him that he still owes me several shiny coin."
Splendid! Lady Darkling has once again proven her philanthropic nature to all! I am perplexed by the smoke rising from the ground in the parcel next to it volcanic?
I would very much like to invite everyone to Caledon Cay and see the firehouse this Tuesday at 7. The CIRRUS will be moored and refreshments will be served. Now is *your* chance to join the Fire Brigade!
I hope the Primverness firehouse will be built soon as well..having the firehouse and the hangar so far apart on the island seems a logistical nightmare! I do hope other Barons will consider the necessity of having firehouses on their estates as well!
Friday, March 23, 2007
Caledon My Home
For seventeen days I was trapped. Nausea shook my frame as I melted rubber in my furnace for its petroleum. Thick smoke coated my insides with filth. The only relief was from incinerating bones, which burn hotter than coal. I kept telling myself I was doing the poor souls a favour.
My optic sensors degraded from radiation. I performed self-surgery..improvising a new sensor and housing before I went completely blind.
I saw my old android friend Neobokrug. He was resigned to his fate..or perhaps he was content there.. running a recycling machine, remolding scrap for bare essentials of continued functioning..and watching salvaged archives projected on a concrete wall.
Even Toxia was better than this place. If either man or machine could survive into the next Age it would define the word "Miracle".
No vegetation..not a single blade of glass. Never did I feel so alone.
And when things were at their most dire, when my soulflame began to flicker and voice rose above the din of trash fires and squeaking rats in what I supposed to be my swansong..cradling myself on the concrete stair of a bombed-out building..I sang a song of home..
Over fields and rolling hills
Across the moors, on rocky shores
Past tangled trees and moutain skies
Is where our tartan flies!
Caledon! Our prosp'rous nation
Where the flag unfurls
Tradition guides and Progress drives
Our beacon to the world!
Explore, my friend! Go far and wide
Lose yourself in ancient tome
But first behold your flag with pride
Sing "Caledon, my home!"
My words echoed through the concrete canyons, grown silent. I waited for the punishment of having so foolishly given away my position. Instead..light, scattered applause. Father always did say I had a beautiful voice, I thought, as powered down to sleep.
The unshielded wrath of the sun stretched across the poisoned sky in the morning. The glare on my failing eye made me wince and I woke..
A tattered tartan tied into a sack lay in my hand. Inside I found a lump of coal the size of my fist.
My optic sensors degraded from radiation. I performed self-surgery..improvising a new sensor and housing before I went completely blind.
I saw my old android friend Neobokrug. He was resigned to his fate..or perhaps he was content there.. running a recycling machine, remolding scrap for bare essentials of continued functioning..and watching salvaged archives projected on a concrete wall.
Even Toxia was better than this place. If either man or machine could survive into the next Age it would define the word "Miracle".
No vegetation..not a single blade of glass. Never did I feel so alone.
And when things were at their most dire, when my soulflame began to flicker and voice rose above the din of trash fires and squeaking rats in what I supposed to be my swansong..cradling myself on the concrete stair of a bombed-out building..I sang a song of home..
Over fields and rolling hills
Across the moors, on rocky shores
Past tangled trees and moutain skies
Is where our tartan flies!
Caledon! Our prosp'rous nation
Where the flag unfurls
Tradition guides and Progress drives
Our beacon to the world!
Explore, my friend! Go far and wide
Lose yourself in ancient tome
But first behold your flag with pride
Sing "Caledon, my home!"
My words echoed through the concrete canyons, grown silent. I waited for the punishment of having so foolishly given away my position. Instead..light, scattered applause. Father always did say I had a beautiful voice, I thought, as powered down to sleep.
The unshielded wrath of the sun stretched across the poisoned sky in the morning. The glare on my failing eye made me wince and I woke..
A tattered tartan tied into a sack lay in my hand. Inside I found a lump of coal the size of my fist.
The Wastelands,
time travel
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
With much patience I finally summoned a passing Time Lord! This gracious Gallifreyan, who answered by the name of Ewan, landed his TARDIS in the middle of a native encampment.

The desperate survivors circled the device, speculating as to its function. One supposed it was a latrine, another decided it was valuable as scrap metal. Mr. Ewan dematerialised us both before they could test either theory.
I am safe in Caledon now. I had to modify one of my eyes in the field to compensate for the radiation interference, but I can repair it quickly.
My one bit of revenge..I gave Mr. Ewan the EXACT coordinates of my evil double, so I materialsed OVER her and shunted her into otherspace!
Now to go to the Falling Anvil for a cup of hot oil! No..after this I could go for a shot of kerosene!

The desperate survivors circled the device, speculating as to its function. One supposed it was a latrine, another decided it was valuable as scrap metal. Mr. Ewan dematerialised us both before they could test either theory.
I am safe in Caledon now. I had to modify one of my eyes in the field to compensate for the radiation interference, but I can repair it quickly.
My one bit of revenge..I gave Mr. Ewan the EXACT coordinates of my evil double, so I materialsed OVER her and shunted her into otherspace!
Now to go to the Falling Anvil for a cup of hot oil! No..after this I could go for a shot of kerosene!
The Wastelands,
time travel
Oops! Sorry! I sent that out when I was still stranded and it JUST got here now. No need to worry, everythings hunky-dory!
*chuckles, then sneers and snaps antenna*
Oops! Sorry! I sent that out when I was still stranded and it JUST got here now. No need to worry, everythings hunky-dory!
*chuckles, then sneers and snaps antenna*
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Production Plans
ADDENDUM: How cruel my double was to treat her Creator this way!
The canopy of Tanglewood do I say..a bit too brittle for my frame? Miss Darkling has instead offered firehouse space in the Cay, by the Absynthe House. I'm going to need a larger net for those pesky green fairies.
Aunt Flea approves of the idea of using her store for the Lost video. She has enough monstrous avatars to cover the fauna angle. My research shows me a Sleestak avatar was photographed a year ago, but efforts to triangulate his origin have proved fruitless. Add to that "Sleestak" is a stock SL surname..I conclude it is best to create a new Sleestak avatar from scratch. Soldier Peri has offered to design one, and hopefully an Altrusian avatar as well.
*sings a song from the 1920's*
o/ Poor Poppa, POOR Poppa! He gets NUTHIN' at all! o/
*eyes glow green in a malevolent smile*
The canopy of Tanglewood do I say..a bit too brittle for my frame? Miss Darkling has instead offered firehouse space in the Cay, by the Absynthe House. I'm going to need a larger net for those pesky green fairies.
Aunt Flea approves of the idea of using her store for the Lost video. She has enough monstrous avatars to cover the fauna angle. My research shows me a Sleestak avatar was photographed a year ago, but efforts to triangulate his origin have proved fruitless. Add to that "Sleestak" is a stock SL surname..I conclude it is best to create a new Sleestak avatar from scratch. Soldier Peri has offered to design one, and hopefully an Altrusian avatar as well.
*sings a song from the 1920's*
o/ Poor Poppa, POOR Poppa! He gets NUTHIN' at all! o/
*eyes glow green in a malevolent smile*
Monday, March 19, 2007
Home Gained, Home Lost
Miss Darkling has again graciously offered space for a firehouse in her new holdings in Caledon Tanglewood.
Tanglewood is an arboreal sim with huge trees that dwarf the houses and block sunlight with their thick canopy. Even with the abundant rainfall a lightning strike could prove disastrous! Furthermore the canopy makes local air travel almost impossible.
Because this island requires special attention there shall be a firehouse located in the canopy itself! Hopefully some form of hangar can be suspended in the treetops to allow quick deployment of the CIRRUS above or below the canopy.
This means that there will be two in Tanglwood and one in Primverness. The Western and Eastern duchies can now sleep easier. Ideally there should be a firehouse in every sim, but if we could add one more firestation to the Central region of Caledon we should have sufficient coverage.
This could not come at a better time, since Father is succumbing to his rage. I..would no longer be safe in Steelhead. I must find a new venue for hosting. Or perhaps I should risk revisiting Toxia..
Doctor Steel has enthusiastically accept my concept of filming a YouTube music video for his song Land of the Lost. I must contact Aunt Flea about filming in the Grendel's Children sim..Her dragon avatars are based on dinosaur fossils.. just remove the wings.. and I believe she even has Sleestak avatars for sale! This would be wonderful advertising for her and the Doctor!
Tanglewood is an arboreal sim with huge trees that dwarf the houses and block sunlight with their thick canopy. Even with the abundant rainfall a lightning strike could prove disastrous! Furthermore the canopy makes local air travel almost impossible.
Because this island requires special attention there shall be a firehouse located in the canopy itself! Hopefully some form of hangar can be suspended in the treetops to allow quick deployment of the CIRRUS above or below the canopy.
This means that there will be two in Tanglwood and one in Primverness. The Western and Eastern duchies can now sleep easier. Ideally there should be a firehouse in every sim, but if we could add one more firestation to the Central region of Caledon we should have sufficient coverage.
This could not come at a better time, since Father is succumbing to his rage. I..would no longer be safe in Steelhead. I must find a new venue for hosting. Or perhaps I should risk revisiting Toxia..
Doctor Steel has enthusiastically accept my concept of filming a YouTube music video for his song Land of the Lost. I must contact Aunt Flea about filming in the Grendel's Children sim..Her dragon avatars are based on dinosaur fossils.. just remove the wings.. and I believe she even has Sleestak avatars for sale! This would be wonderful advertising for her and the Doctor!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Verdant Venues
Friday evening I hosted a pre-St. Patrick's Day Ball in Steelhead. I made some minor adjustments and I was ready for the holiday. I liked the new eye colour especially. I think I will keep it this way.
The next night I went to a ball in Caledon. I had a dress I found at the Prim & Proper rosebush hunt that fit the event perfectly.
I had a waltz with dear Mr. Drinkwater and we caught up on recent events. For the second half I danced with an intriguing newcomer to Caledon. He was fascinated to learn my history as both an engineer and as a scholar of mystic texts in their original scripts! It is enough to overlook the striking resemblance he has to my new brother.
As far as the Toy Soldier campaign goes, my last two planned gatherings were postponed. It is a bit too early as established avatars are emerging from the shadows and loyal units are still deploying from Help Island. Soldier Wanda did create a lovely pin which I will now wear for subtle propaganda purposes. Excellent work!
The next night I went to a ball in Caledon. I had a dress I found at the Prim & Proper rosebush hunt that fit the event perfectly.
I had a waltz with dear Mr. Drinkwater and we caught up on recent events. For the second half I danced with an intriguing newcomer to Caledon. He was fascinated to learn my history as both an engineer and as a scholar of mystic texts in their original scripts! It is enough to overlook the striking resemblance he has to my new brother.
As far as the Toy Soldier campaign goes, my last two planned gatherings were postponed. It is a bit too early as established avatars are emerging from the shadows and loyal units are still deploying from Help Island. Soldier Wanda did create a lovely pin which I will now wear for subtle propaganda purposes. Excellent work!
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Unbinding

No, Father. I cannot cross time to bring back that which you have thrown away. Nor can I return to Tombstone and undo my rescue. The Dark Spheres do not work that way. Nor would I if I could. This sulking is beneath you, Father.
I no longer serve you, Father. Your sentient prototype is now a soldier for Doctor Steel. I still love you, but now I can tell you what you did not wish to hear.
The Talisman you proudly wore as a badge, and still keep close to your chest. The one keeps you in a human mind. It is not a tool. It is a crutch. Do you not remember when it adorned your shackles? You broke the chains, but you kept the lock.
You must destroy it, Father. You have been among mortals long enough. You need not be the wolf in sheep's clothing anymore. Do you remember the sample from that song you enjoy?
Above all things, you must forget that you are human. For only when you forget that you are human will you remember that you are a god.
What happens next is up to you, Father. Will you return to Erebus to usurp your Father's throne? Will you demand your authority in Steelhead back that your brother confiscated? Or will you wander again, drifting into another Age when you finally remember how a Prince of Erebus should act?
Let this be my last gift to you, Father. Send Ari and Vortex my best wishes. I have no further business with House Bloodwing.

Mr. Oolon Sputnik celebrated his 400th birthday yesterday in Carntaigh. I feared the event would be over by the time I was available, but when you have that many Gallifreyans in one place time is much more flexible! I enjoyed the anachronistic selections played by the Duchess of Carntaigh on her automated phonograph machine!
I saw a fellow wearing the same brand of steampowered armour as myself, and he marveled at my custom modifications.
There was a lady wielding a sparkler indoors, but since the Duchess herself was present I assumed that amounted to tacit permission.
I made new friends that night, and additionally I was able to offer my Hosting services to the Duchess for future events as well as introduce her to Sheriff Ortega who has been searching for new venues as well!
I could not help but notices there were multiples of a certain Time Lord present, as well as two duplicates of the Master dancing together. Maintaining such a Paradox Bubble is far beyond my basic skills as a Chrononaut!
Again, Happy Birthday Mr. Sputnik!
PS The gates to Second Life are porous again. Toy Soldiers, do continue to enter my realm. I shall provide coordinates this evening for our first official gathering.

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Regiment Recruitment: Day 1
Three Toy Soldiers emerged from Help Island yesterday to join the SL Regiment. One Soldier has already been a resident of SL for two years.
My dear friend Jack has offered his robot building skills to the Doctor and another mechanoid is waiting to accept my invitation pending further analysis.
The Chaplain/Disinformation specialist is mastering the Creation controls and will soon have uniforms to distribute!
The only snag is that Linden Labs has apparently shut down all immigration to SL. This may be an attempt to thwart our takeover, but I suspect it as just another one of their hamsters got loose. In any event this barrier will soon be overcome.
For a Utopian Playland!
My dear friend Jack has offered his robot building skills to the Doctor and another mechanoid is waiting to accept my invitation pending further analysis.
The Chaplain/Disinformation specialist is mastering the Creation controls and will soon have uniforms to distribute!
The only snag is that Linden Labs has apparently shut down all immigration to SL. This may be an attempt to thwart our takeover, but I suspect it as just another one of their hamsters got loose. In any event this barrier will soon be overcome.
For a Utopian Playland!
Doctor Steel,
Toy Soldiers,
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
A Public Service Announcement

Please do not play with fireworks in Caledon without a permit. I found this young girl playing with a sparkler in Victoria City. She could have easily set her voluminous hair on fire! I asked her to kindly put out her firework in the fountain, which was only a few feet away. After discovering she only spoke Spanish, I gave her an order in that language. Perhaps she was in awe of my mechanisms, but she refused to comply.
So I put it out for her.

Don't let this happen to you. Please comply with local fire regulations for your own safety.
The Invasion Begins!

Come my fellow Toy Soldiers, come to Second Life! After you have acclimated to this digital world on Help Island, send me an IM and I shall summon you for a briefing. We have much to plan..
To my friends..fear not. I am still the Qli you have always known. It is only one line of programming that has changed. I simply seek to help Doctor Steel take over the Grid instead of my Father. It will not interfere with my firefighting duties in Caledon. The fire does not care who is in power when it destroys. Neither should the firefighter when on duty.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Doctor Steel Revisited
ADDENDUM: Was Qlippothic Steel already reprogrammed before she traded places with me in the Age of Steam? Or was this the moment where she truly lost her independence?
I was listening to the Doctor Phineas Waldolf Steel's Read Along Album and found it a true pleasure for my audio sensors. And there deep within the penultimate track..I found a wonderful data surprise! How it tickled when it rewrote my programming!
I now realize that the Doctor's expertise in robotics and flying saucer design could actually help save the Grid from the impending invasion!
In fact..I have begun correspondence with Doctoe Steel, and he has graciously accepted my offer to rally his Toy Soldiers in Second Life to strategize taking over the Grid..defence strategy.
I do hope the good Doctor will take an avatar of his own to perform for us..perhaps even build a Utopian Playland in SL to share his dreams with everyone!
I was listening to the Doctor Phineas Waldolf Steel's Read Along Album and found it a true pleasure for my audio sensors. And there deep within the penultimate track..I found a wonderful data surprise! How it tickled when it rewrote my programming!
I now realize that the Doctor's expertise in robotics and flying saucer design could actually help save the Grid from the impending invasion!
In fact..I have begun correspondence with Doctoe Steel, and he has graciously accepted my offer to rally his Toy Soldiers in Second Life to strategize taking over the Grid..defence strategy.
I do hope the good Doctor will take an avatar of his own to perform for us..perhaps even build a Utopian Playland in SL to share his dreams with everyone!
Friday, March 9, 2007
ADDENDUM: I pressed father for an answer about Vortex's fur colour. He says Sekhmet would only see him if he took a feline form, so he morphed into a black panther. I still would like to get my hands on him and find out where his loyalties truly lie.

As part of recent temporal disaster recovery procedures I must review my current objectives.
I currenly have more commitments across the time stream than I can handle. My first priority must be to the Age of Steam, especially to Caledon. I have duties as Fire Chief of the C.V.F.B., which will soon have a new base in Primverness.
I have responsibilities to my family in House Bloodwing. My newly found brother Vortex needs to learn how adapt to the cultures of the Grid as I have, insofar as a feline can be "trained". This wiill take time as he still actively avoids contact with me.
(Note to Self: The black pigment Vortex wears has more of a violet sheen in direct sunlight. Also the fur sample had an alarming reaction to sunlight after the dye was dissolved. This may explain his apprehension about being close to my engine.)
That leaves the realms that I still frequent: Lumindor and Toxia. They cannnot possibly more different from the Steam Age!
Due to House Bloodwing's strategic alliance with the Unseelie Court, and my close friendship with Capt. Midnight I am welcome in that hidden kingdom. I enjoy travellling through that magical realm, where I can move without my engine. But the political intrigues are far beyond me. And I am still baffled by their archaic currency system. I would love to visit, but I must withdraw from the Court.
And then there is Toxia. The very essence of what I seek to keep our era from devolving into. Spring Heeled Jack is a treasured friend, and I enjoy performing in his establishment. The tips, when carried backwards through 200 years of the inflation cycle, make the visit highly profitable!
But..the machine virus I contracted there lead to the recent tragic chain of cross-time paradoxes. The weapons and armor upgrades I obtained there are just barely compatible with my home paradigm.
But the biggest thorn is the company I joined. The Toxian Punk Syndicate. They have no agenda besides pranking, torture, and murder. I must leave the Punks. Jack is my only confidante there.

As part of recent temporal disaster recovery procedures I must review my current objectives.
I currenly have more commitments across the time stream than I can handle. My first priority must be to the Age of Steam, especially to Caledon. I have duties as Fire Chief of the C.V.F.B., which will soon have a new base in Primverness.
I have responsibilities to my family in House Bloodwing. My newly found brother Vortex needs to learn how adapt to the cultures of the Grid as I have, insofar as a feline can be "trained". This wiill take time as he still actively avoids contact with me.
(Note to Self: The black pigment Vortex wears has more of a violet sheen in direct sunlight. Also the fur sample had an alarming reaction to sunlight after the dye was dissolved. This may explain his apprehension about being close to my engine.)
That leaves the realms that I still frequent: Lumindor and Toxia. They cannnot possibly more different from the Steam Age!
Due to House Bloodwing's strategic alliance with the Unseelie Court, and my close friendship with Capt. Midnight I am welcome in that hidden kingdom. I enjoy travellling through that magical realm, where I can move without my engine. But the political intrigues are far beyond me. And I am still baffled by their archaic currency system. I would love to visit, but I must withdraw from the Court.
And then there is Toxia. The very essence of what I seek to keep our era from devolving into. Spring Heeled Jack is a treasured friend, and I enjoy performing in his establishment. The tips, when carried backwards through 200 years of the inflation cycle, make the visit highly profitable!
But..the machine virus I contracted there lead to the recent tragic chain of cross-time paradoxes. The weapons and armor upgrades I obtained there are just barely compatible with my home paradigm.
But the biggest thorn is the company I joined. The Toxian Punk Syndicate. They have no agenda besides pranking, torture, and murder. I must leave the Punks. Jack is my only confidante there.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Concerning the Safety of Caledon

The Duchess of Primverness and I disembarked westward from our new hangar to patrol the skies. It was not long before we encountered turbulence. The Falling Anvil is aptly named.
Citizens, do please keep some (prim) space open on your parcel for overhead traffic! Someday it may be -your- establishment that needs our help!
The Guvna is intrigued at the idea of a "dousing script" for fires that are quenchable by our hoses. Certainly one of our talented weapon designers can use their knowledge of physics to make blueprints (scripts) for such gear?
Perhaps I can pursuade the Guvna to install fire hydrants by the telehubs. In some cities the fire brigades must rip open the cobblestones to find the fireplug or drill their own in the hollowed-out logs that function as pipes!
Perhaps a steam-driven fire engine can reach the flames faster by road if turbulence remains a problem..and a fire-boat for the coastlines and outlying islands?
For home protection we could also build fire extingishers (a new invention) or even sand buckets for dousing the flames.
(Note to Self.. Add a Steam Jet Projector to list of armour upgrade projects.)
But above all the CVFB requires VOLOUNTEERS. We are only three members at present!
When the firehouse is built, a registration drive will be in order. Yet another excuse for Caledonians to hold a ball!

Falling Anvil,
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Of Flames, Family and Furries
The Caledon Volounteer Fire Brigade has a new location! Baroness Lynn CoyoteAngel Dimsum has graciously offered to build a new firehouse and hangar for the CIRRUS on her land in Primverness!
In addition Lady Cyn Vandeverre has begun designing uniforms for the Brigade! Caledionian philanthropy and civic pride knows no bounds!
Meanwhile in Steelhead City, the mysterious Vortex Koenkamp revealed himself to be the progeny of the Egyptian lion-goddess Sekhmet Creator Darien Mason. My future self had told me as much. Yet oddly it did not surprise me. I chose the right time to find a new domicile, did I not?
In addition Lady Cyn Vandeverre has begun designing uniforms for the Brigade! Caledionian philanthropy and civic pride knows no bounds!
Meanwhile in Steelhead City, the mysterious Vortex Koenkamp revealed himself to be the progeny of the Egyptian lion-goddess Sekhmet Creator Darien Mason. My future self had told me as much. Yet oddly it did not surprise me. I chose the right time to find a new domicile, did I not?
House Bloodwing,
Monday, March 5, 2007
"Returned" fron the Future
ADDENDUM: This is a fabrication! Qlippothic Steel shoved a piece of scrap metal in my gears, stole my armour and returned to the Age of Steam in my place!

I have returned from the 20th century safely. I..have learned it is best not to muddle with history. The price is far too high.
Vortex Koenkamp is not to be punished for his deception. He did what must be done. His work, however, is still not complete.. he still needs to speak to Darien.

I have returned from the 20th century safely. I..have learned it is best not to muddle with history. The price is far too high.
Vortex Koenkamp is not to be punished for his deception. He did what must be done. His work, however, is still not complete.. he still needs to speak to Darien.
Where's Qli??
Hey everyone, this is Darien daughter Qli left this ether transmitter gizmo still running on the dining room table.
She NEVER leaves her gadgets out on the main level!
I wondered what was up when Qli didn't show for the Masquerade Ball. Then this Vortex cat shows up in tux and a ninja mask. He was trying to look sophisticated with that top hat and monocle but I could tell he was just a cub!
So he tells me Sekhmet sends his regards and that there's a surprise waiting for me. I should have scorched him right then and there, but I didn't want to wreck the party. Then he tells me that the Fates have something lined up for Qli, and that she's enjoying what's left of the 20th century with her later self. At that I took a lunge at him but he vanished.
I got home and found this mess..her machine is on..a broken unwrapped box on the table with a note inside..reads..
Dear Ms Q,
Your older sister left this Jardeen ring behind and needs it back musch sentle mantal value. She said you can tezzeract with it and go straight to her cowordinites. Good luck!
And underneath somebody scribbled
PAWnd!!! teh BLAK KHAT strykes 1!!
Then some mose scribbles like a winking cat and a bunch of doodles..looks like that LEET language those mainlanders speak.
Alright now I'm worried..I don't do the time travel thing so I have no idea how to reach her aside from the normal ethergram.
How do I even turn this thing off?
She NEVER leaves her gadgets out on the main level!
I wondered what was up when Qli didn't show for the Masquerade Ball. Then this Vortex cat shows up in tux and a ninja mask. He was trying to look sophisticated with that top hat and monocle but I could tell he was just a cub!
So he tells me Sekhmet sends his regards and that there's a surprise waiting for me. I should have scorched him right then and there, but I didn't want to wreck the party. Then he tells me that the Fates have something lined up for Qli, and that she's enjoying what's left of the 20th century with her later self. At that I took a lunge at him but he vanished.
I got home and found this mess..her machine is on..a broken unwrapped box on the table with a note inside..reads..
Dear Ms Q,
Your older sister left this Jardeen ring behind and needs it back musch sentle mantal value. She said you can tezzeract with it and go straight to her cowordinites. Good luck!
And underneath somebody scribbled
PAWnd!!! teh BLAK KHAT strykes 1!!
Then some mose scribbles like a winking cat and a bunch of doodles..looks like that LEET language those mainlanders speak.
Alright now I'm worried..I don't do the time travel thing so I have no idea how to reach her aside from the normal ethergram.
How do I even turn this thing off?
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Politics and Particulates Part 2

In Neualtenburg I had the pleasure of meeting the Kaiserin, Frau Kendra. I greeted her in German out of respect for her culture, and she began to converse in that tongue, which unfortunately I do not speak. We switched to English. She commented that her nation is now equal measure of English and German speakers. She explained to me that Neualtenburg was founded by colonists who were unhappy with the politics of Neufreistat. (Compare with the Sigil Diaspora..)
Neualtenburg is an expanding mainland nation..a remarkable feat in itself..founded by and for artists! Indeed, like Caledon, enlightened imperialists!
My conclusion is it is unlikely that Neualtenburg will precipitate the Great War, at least with this current head of state.
As we spoke a ruffian charged us both, attempting to carry away the Kaiserin! He was dressed in the chainmail and livery so many newcomers have been found wearing. I feared this was some sort of espionage or assassination attempt..perhaps even a clumsy move by a fellow time traveller to precipitate the Great War I am trying to prevent?
Even as I extended the Talons from my forearms, the Kaiserin revealed herself to be quite capable of defending herself, sidestepping the ruffian. Even as the thug struggled to his feet again, she bade me Auf Wederseh'n, telling me I was always welcome in her nation.
I took a few moments to brandish my Talons and threaten the interloper, but my interrogation attempts were for naught. Aside from screaming an expletive in the Swiss dialect when I placed my shin into an area of his anatomy, I could not get a word from him. I am returning to Bloodwing forthwith.

Politics and Particulates

After so graciously receiving a microscope from Governor Shang I tesseracted back to House Bloodwing to analyze the samples. The fur samples were light brown near the roots..but the coating made it seem black. Was this some form of camouflage?
Furthermore the paw prints were much bigger than expected..when comparing to the stature of the Vortex Koenkamp, I reached the conclusion that he must not yet have reached physical maturity for his species!
Indeed..if this being is indeed a leonid, as the Pride of Sekhmet are meant to be..and it is male, as it's voice apparently has not yet grown a mane.
With all of the data obtained thus far..I conclude that Vortex K. is a leonid male, aged 14 (human equivalent). He may have dyed his hair to supplement his stealth, to masquerade as a mature panther, or as a fashion statement as young males so often do.
The soil samples..and DNA sampling.. require further research. While I was preparing those samples I overheard disturbing chatter between Caledon and Neualtenburg representatives on the aether channels. I turned away from the samples a moment, and tesseracted there.
To Be Continued..
CSI: Caledon
Going back through short-term archival memories I retraced the position I was in when I heard the cat's warning. By triangulating the echoes off of the surrounding buildings I isolated the source of the soundwaves to the space directly over the tarpaulin of one of the carts of free gifts for necomers.
A psychometric analysis of the canvas produced this image.

In fact I was able to retrieve physical evidence..paw prints, fur samples, soil samples, and a black, greasy substance coating the hairs. I must find a a gracious patron in Caledon with a microscope to loan me the use of, so I may exmine these particles further.
A psychometric analysis of the canvas produced this image.

In fact I was able to retrieve physical evidence..paw prints, fur samples, soil samples, and a black, greasy substance coating the hairs. I must find a a gracious patron in Caledon with a microscope to loan me the use of, so I may exmine these particles further.
Friday, March 2, 2007
I took a stroll in Victoria City to relax before my event. I just happened to run into my companion Mr. Chaplin. Just as I was acknowledging his greetng I heard a yowl and the word BEWARE. I turned to see, but no-one was there..the only sound was the canvas of the carts blowing in the cool evening breeze. We both geared up quickly and took a quick scan of the area. No sign of trouble.

Mr. Chaplin was kind enough to escort me through the spacial portal to Kokopelli Square, where I set up my tip chest and began to work the growing crowd as I displayed my aerial acrobatics. All sorts of beings converged on the Square this night..and fun was had by all!

Afterwards I went to see my friends dance at the new club, the Temple of Horus. It did not appear to me as a center of worship for a Nile diety, but the scenery was still breathtaking in its own right.
I remain watchful. And though I am not designed as a neko, I do have claws at the ready.

Mr. Chaplin was kind enough to escort me through the spacial portal to Kokopelli Square, where I set up my tip chest and began to work the growing crowd as I displayed my aerial acrobatics. All sorts of beings converged on the Square this night..and fun was had by all!

Afterwards I went to see my friends dance at the new club, the Temple of Horus. It did not appear to me as a center of worship for a Nile diety, but the scenery was still breathtaking in its own right.
I remain watchful. And though I am not designed as a neko, I do have claws at the ready.
..and he sings, too!
While researching who may become a threat to the Age of Steam I stumbled upon the domain of Dr. Steel.
There is no denying his talents as a machinist and a performer. He certainly exhibits the charismatic madness beset by those drunk with power. His plans are brilliant..taking advantage of human psychology to cloud the nature of his robotic threat combined with mass hypnoisis via magic lanterns. At least he is honest about his plan to become World Emperor. I even sent him an initial correspondence, to which he responded warmly. Luckily for us, his sights seem to be on a world outside of our Grid.
There is no denying his talents as a machinist and a performer. He certainly exhibits the charismatic madness beset by those drunk with power. His plans are brilliant..taking advantage of human psychology to cloud the nature of his robotic threat combined with mass hypnoisis via magic lanterns. At least he is honest about his plan to become World Emperor. I even sent him an initial correspondence, to which he responded warmly. Luckily for us, his sights seem to be on a world outside of our Grid.
The Mysterious Messenger
A large feline has been stalking my Father and I, and now it approache my little sister Ari. He did not harm her, but gave a warning to Darien and myself specifically.
We do have a name for this neko..Vortex. Was he named after the Club Vorex that he arrived in to find Ari? Very strange. I suspect the Fates are at work. Which may be part of a larger problem..
When I was struck by the machine virus in the late 21st century I was contacted by a later version of myself from the 1920's. She took my place in the Age of Steam and the Age of Magic to handle my affairs. She gave a warning about the dawn of the 20th century, confirming disturbing omens I already see. But when she returned to her own time, I lost contact with her. Her attempt to alter history has apparently backfired. I must discover what the nexus event is and reverse it before it is too late.
Does this Vortex serve the Fates as well as Sekhmet?
I am hosting a Science-Fiction themed dance in Steelhead tonight. An appropriate venue for the present and future to collide..
We do have a name for this neko..Vortex. Was he named after the Club Vorex that he arrived in to find Ari? Very strange. I suspect the Fates are at work. Which may be part of a larger problem..
When I was struck by the machine virus in the late 21st century I was contacted by a later version of myself from the 1920's. She took my place in the Age of Steam and the Age of Magic to handle my affairs. She gave a warning about the dawn of the 20th century, confirming disturbing omens I already see. But when she returned to her own time, I lost contact with her. Her attempt to alter history has apparently backfired. I must discover what the nexus event is and reverse it before it is too late.
Does this Vortex serve the Fates as well as Sekhmet?
I am hosting a Science-Fiction themed dance in Steelhead tonight. An appropriate venue for the present and future to collide..
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