Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Oh My..

My Father has started his own aether journal. Isn't that..nice?

*turns her emergency release valve on her pressure guage with a trembling hand until it falls to the floor with a clatter, still smiling sweetly*


Emilly Orr said...

This was...last night?

"Oh, my" indeed...

itsdavidvc said...

This afternoon, actually.

Edward Pearse said...

I often find posting the Aethernet address helps in finding these newly created Journals.

Until the search engines have had a chance to find them.

Emilly Orr said...

Ah, he's here now, Edward, so simply click the name.

Though, true, Miss Qli did not let that information escape in the post she made....one wonders if that was deliberate.

Frequency Picnic said...

Aha, I was right! see my comment

itsdavidvc said...

More out of a desire not to monopolize my daughter's journal any further..

..and a forboding sense that I will soon have to defend myself in the Court of Public Opinion.

Emilly Orr said...

If you do, I won't be calling it. Whatever your actions earn you from now on is yours alone.

Just keep any drama far from Steelhead's shores, that's all I ask.

Hotspur O'Toole said...

I have journied to Mr. Mason's journal and provided the traditional tokens of welcome.

itsdavidvc said...

..and graciously accepted, Mr. O'Toole.

But I never eat..
